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conversations about organizing care more inclusively


Racism and discrimination in health care is a theme about which we cannot remain (in)different: 1 in 5 healthcare providers experience discrimination.

Book about equality in health care

Differences matter!

With the end-of-year publication of the Council of Health & Society (RVS), we are combating discrimination and exclusion in healthcare. This challenge can be summed up in the title of this collection: (In)different? Or in other words: when do differences matter for providing good care and when not?

With 4 powerful duo interviews, illustrations and a strong photo series by Desiré van den Berg and Jill Mathon, we convince readers of the importance of an inclusive healthcare sector and society.

Spread met tekst en een illustratie

Why is this book important?

Racism and discrimination in care and support is a theme about which we cannot remain (in)different: 1 in 5 healthcare providers experience discrimination. This not only leads to reduced job satisfaction or feelings of frustration, but is even a reason for healthcare providers to leave the sector. This is especially painful in the context of increasing staff shortages. Nevertheless, it seems difficult to tackle racism and discrimination in practice. For example, combating discrimination can conflict with the duty of care of healthcare organizations and many organizations have no or insufficient mechanisms for providing insight into and combating discrimination in the workplace.

Book about equality in health care
Openliggend boek met een illustratie
En profil foto van een jonge vrouw van kleur

Een nieuw inclusief spelalfabet

De Nederlandse taal is onderdeel van onze nationale identiteit. Om ervoor te zorgen dat zo veel mogelijk mensen zich kunnen identificeren met de Nederlandse taal, presenteerde de feministische doe-tank De Bovengrondse vorig jaar Het Nieuwe Spelalfabet: een wetenschappelijk onderbouwde namenlijst die op een eenvoudige manier de huidige Nederlandse samenleving representeert. De 26 namen met een heel verschillende achtergrond hebben een gezicht gekregen door de portrettenserie van Desiré van den Berg en Jill Mathon.

De Raad voor Volksgezondheid & Samenleving heeft de portretten als rode draad door deze verhalenbundel verweven. Het is belangrijk dat de samenleving een gezicht krijgt: om mensgerichte zorg te kunnen bieden moet je tenslotte ook kunnen zien ‘wie’ de samenleving is.

Book about equality in health care

Iris print

We consciously chose the iris printing technique for this book. This printing technique, which involves mixing the ink during printing, creates a slightly different gradient for each sheet. The result is a unique and colorful cover that fits the theme of diversity!

The book was produced in collaboration with Springeruit printing company. This printing company works daily with people with intellectual and/or multiple disabilities. With precision and patience, these people contribute to varied printing activities that allow them to develop further.

Book about equality in health care

Are you interested in the book?

You can request the publication via the RVS website.

Book about equality in health care


(On)verschillig | 2022

Want to know more?
Hederik knows all the ins and outs. Give him a call or send an email!

070 711 3045

Contact Hederik!

Raad voor Volksgezondheid & Samenleving

illustrations, book design, typography
Het nieuwe spelalfabet

Editorial & Publications, Social

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