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Investing in a sustainable value chain


More than one third of our emissions are caused by food production. Time for change!

Decarbonizing the agri value chain is the second edition of Future Minded. In the online magazine, FMO takes a closer look at making the food chain more sustainable. This is not a dime a dozen magazine. We pulled out all the stops to put the story in a certain way.


Boring company magazine… no way

FMO is committed to making the world more sustainable and inclusive. A clear mission, which we fully support. With Future Minded, FMO activates its stakeholders to fight together for a better world. Each edition is unique, has a different theme and its own look and feel. This is how we keep a wide audience involved.

Young people and taking care of their tomorrow

Into the depths

Future Minded’s readership consists of connoisseurs of social topics. Great, because then we can go into depth. In the online magazine you will find research articles, interviews, customer stories, podcasts and videos. Complex matter, but never boring.


Visit Future Minded here!


Future Minded | 2023

Want to know more?
Bas knows all the ins and outs. Give him a call or send an email!

070 711 3045

Contact Bas!


online magazine, video, animation

Editorial & Publications, Digital

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