Flying Swans designs food systems in emerging markets. Their innovative projects create a sustainable impulse for local development, food supply and international trade. The team asked our studio to help establish their brand in the world of do-gooders.
If food loss was a country, it would rank third in carbon emissions.
Flying Swans aims to reduce food loss between the farm and the consumer by more than 66%. If current loss and waste were halved, the food saved would be enough to feed 500 million people.
Food loss is a major global challenge.
Wasted food consumes 4% of the world’s energy, 20% of freshwater and takes up 30% of agricultural land.
The Flying Swans team has a real ‘roll up your sleeves’ mentality. With a small team they tackle huge global challenges. We translated that go-getter attitude into strong short copy and a fresh website.
See it for yourself? Follow this link and visit the website of Flying Swans.
Flying Swans
Visual identity and website
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