Certified B Corporation
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Making flexible design


Variety is the spice of life


The Council for Health and Society advises the ministry on societal health issues. As an independent advisory body, they recognise new social connections between changing public health and other domains. This requires a dynamic visual identity that can adapt with the changing times. It includes an updated logo with a smart online version. The Council deals with all aspects that are influential to the health and wellbeing of citizens and we deal with all aspects of great design.

Council for Health and Society / Corporate Identity
Council for Health and Society / Corporate Identity

We made two variations of the logo. One specifically for printed matter, the other for online use.

briefpapier RVS, Studio duel
illustraties, RVS, Studio duel


Council for Health and Society, Corporate Identity

Want to know more?
Bas knows all the ins and outs. Give him a call or send an email!

070 711 3045

Contact Bas!

Council for Health and Society / Raad voor Volksgezondheid en Samenleving

Corporate Identity and brand
Council for Health and Society focuses on policy makers, politicians and healthcare.


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