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City by the Sea Campaign

Project Approach

What was the initial question?

Create of a festive identity that tells the 200th anniversary of The Hague ~ Scheveningen.

How did we fly into the project?

By creating a strong, clear identity that is recognizable for many to combine with a good visual concept.


Submerged in a sea of festivities


The 200th anniversary of our city by the sea The Hague – Scheveningen simply had to be celebrated. On a big scale. The Feest aan Zee (Celebration by the sea) Foundation recognised our partnership potential and that’s not just because we love parties. We’ve got sea water running through our veins. So, we developed a striking, festive campaign that would attract as many visitors as possible to the coast, and it worked; 5.8 million people dived into a sea of festivities and we’re still basking in the afterglow of a great party.

Feest aan Zee, Studio Duel
Feest aan Zee, Studio Duel

This assignment was picked up in close co-creation with the ‘Team Party by the Sea’ and rolled out over a whole year. After a flying start, with visual concept and a filled toolkit the city was transformed into a decorated birthday party.  The goal was to connect with as many people as possible, this we did.

Strandbal Feest aan Zee, Studio Duel
Boulevard expositie Feest aan Zee, Studio Duel

Duurzaam karakter promotiematerialen Feest aan Zee

After the campaign, all the promotional material that was reusable went to ‘My Buuf’ to give it a new life.

My Buuf is a 100% sustainable enterprise that helps women who are new to the Dutch labor market. Mostly women from developing countries.

That promotional material that has a short life is used in such a circular way – that is smart use of your resources!


Feest aan Zee - 2018

Want to know more?
Hederik knows all the ins and outs. Give him a call or send an email!

070 711 3045

Contact Hederik!

Gemeente Den Haag, Stichting Stad aan Zee The Hague

Dynamic Identity with a well thought-out color and pattern pallet. A toolkit with the parts to be used separately by third parties. A strong visual concept that stimulates your senses for a year. This resulted in a lot of prints, from flag line to beach chair and from beach ball to a tram.
Anne Reitsma, Arnaud Roelofsz, Arjan de Jager, Maurice HaakBlitz Filmmakkers, the Videomatic, Team Feest aan Zee, The Hague Marketing Bureau en nog vele anderen!


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