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States General 200 Years


Politics has never been so good looking


Find the history of politics boring? Not necessarily if you visited the exhibition “200 years of the Senate and House of Representatives of the States General”. The exhibition in and around the House of Representatives was not only interesting, but also visually appealing. The concept was by Studio Studio Überdutch and LetterZ design  and we took care of graphic design. A combination of playful spatial and bold graphic design resulted in a unique and interactive exhibition. Anything but boring.

Staten Generaal, 200 jaar, expositie, Den Haag, Studio Duel
Staten Generaal, 200 jaar, expositie, Den Haag, Studio Duel
Staten Generaal, 200 jaar, expositie, Den Haag, Studio Duel
Staten Generaal, 200 jaar, expositie, Den Haag, Studio Duel
Staten Generaal, 200 jaar, expositie, Den Haag, Studio Duel
Staten Generaal, 200 jaar, expositie, Den Haag, Studio Duel
Staten Generaal, 200 jaar, expositie, Den Haag, Studio Duel

Outside the walls of the Second Chamber, the second part of the exhibition was on and around the Binnenhof.


200 Jaar - Staten Generaal

Want to know more?
Bas knows all the ins and outs. Give him a call or send an email!

070 711 3045

Contact Bas!

Staten Generaal der Nederlanden

Graphic storyline and exposition installation
Studio Uberdutch Letter-Z Design


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