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Busy Busy Busy Platform STAD


More and more people are opting for The Hague. Logically, it’s a fantastic city. The Hague is growing fast and becoming busier. You notice it on the street. At the end of October 2019, Platform Stad opened an exhibition about the car (crowds) in the streets of The Hague.


How do you help the city prepare for the future? This was the main question with which 3 urban designers started working.

We helped them with the design of the exhibition.

Expositie, platform Stad, Studio Duel
Platform STAD, Expositie, Studio DUEL
Platform STAD / Exhibition mobility
Platform STAD / Exhibition mobility
Robert van Aste, vouwposter, platform Stad, Studio Duel
Platform STAD, Robert van Asten, Expositie, Studio DUELPlatform STAD, Robert van Asten, Expositie, Studio DUEL


Platform STAD, 2019

Want to know more?
Hederik knows all the ins and outs. Give him a call or send an email!

070 711 3045

Contact Hederik!

Platform STAD

Exhibition that allows you to look at various busy places in The Hague with future glasses
Christian van der Kooy, Rijnja Print


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