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Association of Science Centers Science wisdom


Building an explosive campaign


Science and technology are important to your personal development. To demonstrate the importance of this, the concept of wetenschapswijsheid ‘science wisdom’ was introduced. It’s a new initiative about the ability to question the world around you, to find answers and to consider their value. We developed a roll-out campaign with a complete visual identity and animation based on the ‘exploded view’ principle. It’s a versatile campaign with an explosive impact.

Drukwerk Wetenschapswijsheid
Huisstijl elementen Wetenschapswijsheid

For the introduction of Science Wisdom we developed an animation in collaboration with The Videomatic. Before this is animated, we turn it into a storyboard.


Science wisdom/ Wetenschapswijsheid 2015

Want to know more?
Bas knows all the ins and outs. Give him a call or send an email!

070 711 3045

Contact Bas!

Association of Science Centers/ VSC -vereniging science centra

Identity and website


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